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How to Keep Moving in the Confines of Your Own Home

Being stuck at home throughout coronavirus isolation is no excuse to become a couch potato or grow accustomed to duvet days (OK, maybe a few!) Staying active is super important to your physical and mental wellbeing, so making sure you keep moving over the coming weeks and months despite being stuck at home is vital! Read on for some ideas, inspiration and motivation to stay active at home.


Why You Need to Keep Moving During Lockdown

We have all been asked to stay at home as much as possible to help prevent the spread of coronavirus and this has disrupted many people’s usual fitness regimes – but it seems we will be socially distancing for some time so we are going to have to learn to adapt.

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic experiencing exercise withdrawal symptoms or a workout novice looking to keep busy, it’s super important to stay active right now. We all know the amazing benefits of exercise, but more specifically to our current situation here’s how moving more can help:


We need to look after our mental and physical wellbeing as much as possible right now for sure and exercise is one way we can do just that!

We are firm believers that exercise does not have to mean going to the gym or sticking to a punishing workout routine – lockdown or no lockdown! So, we know it’s possible to be more imaginative with our movement and stay active in ways which are fun and entertaining. Read on for 7 great ways to stay active within the confines of your own home.

 Play games whilst in isolation

We don’t stop playing because we grow older, we grow older because we stop playing! Play is an amazing way to move more and stay entertained with through the powers of joyful, unstructured movement.

Whether you’re giving your other half a piggyback, playing tag with the kids or even a bit of hide and seek with the dog – play is a great way to move more and look after your body and mind.

Our friend and primal play expert Darryl Edwards has created a FREE 20 page eBook on the Importance of Play – some great reading material whilst you’re stuck in! Grab yours by signing up to his newsletter here.

 Cooking at home

If you’re stuck at home then cooking can be a surprising way to move more, not to mention pass the time and create amazing healthy meals! Having some extra time is such a bonus in the kitchen and allows you to experiment with real food ingredients as well as cooking things from scratch which you would usually get ready-prepared.

You’ll soon find that cooking can be quite a workout as it keeps you on your feet. What’s more, things like chopping, whisking, using a pestle and mortar and rolling out dough will get your muscles moving! Check out these 5 Ways to Exercise in the Kitchen for some inspiration!

 Watch a workout video on Youtube

There are TONNES of home workout videos on YouTube and independent fitness sites and there’s something for everyone. From Yoga and Pilates to HIIT and cardio – you’re sure to find a workout that suits you.

We love the visual guidance of online videos as well as the motivational chants of encouragement! These kinds of videos are usually free and some even provide a daily schedule for 7, 14 or 28 days to keep you interested and give you something to aim for.

If you’re stuck in with the kids, fitness expert Joe Wicks is offering a daily virtual PE lesson to start each day with some movement and entertainment.

Using your own bodyweight for working out - bodyweight exercises

One major adjustment when working out at home is that there’s no equipment. But have you ever considered that your own body can be used as a weight?

Bodyweight exercises provide a full-body workout that not only increases strength but also helps to improve balance and coordination. You can even get adventurous and learn some moves which you can practice with the kids or your other half!

Animal moves are a great way to use your own bodyweight for exercise with no equipment required – just your fine self! Listen to this podcast on How to Move Like and Animal to help get you started.

 Why Dancing at home is needed during isolation

Dancing is a great cardio workout that helps to get your heart rate going and keep you entertained. Here’s just some of the benefits of regular dancing:

  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Keeps bones and joints strong and healthy
  • Improves posture
  • Enhances muscle strength

Again, there’s no shortage of dance fitness videos on YouTube if you want to coordinate your moves and not just throw some shapes!

Why not have a virtual party with your friends and dance the night away (from a safe distance!) with group video calling app Houseparty?


Woman dancing on yellow background


 What is EXERGAME? Exercising through virtual gaming

You what?! Exergaming combines exercise with – you guessed it, gaming! The interactive element of exergaming makes it a really engaging and motivating way to keep moving for kids and adults alike. What’s more, research has found that exergames involving specific movements help to stimulate brain activity and improve coordination.

Exergaming shouldn’t replace actual sport or exercise for sure, but it could be a really useful and joyful way to move more in the coming weeks (or months?!) when we’re confined to our homes.

So, dust off your old Wii Fit, dig out your VR headset or invest in a Ring Fit to get moving. You can learn more about the benefits of exergaming here.


 Keeping your house clean throughout isolation


Last but not least, a good old spring clean is a great and productive way to get moving! If you use a fitness tracking device, then prepare to be surprised by just how many steps you can clock up when cleaning the house – yay!

The average person will burn around 200 calories per hour when cleaning – the equivalent of calories burned in a high-intensity 20-minute circuit workout. The added bonus is that your home will be sparkling clean and fresh at the end of it!

Needless to say, regular cleaning is paramount right now to make sure we keep our homes free from germs and harmful bacteria too – another great reason o grab the marigolds.


Cleaning spray bottle yellow on turquoise background 

Whether you’re self-isolating, working from home or just doing your best to follow social-distancing guidelines, moving more at home can help you to stay happy and healthy during lockdown. It’s also a great opportunity to get back into a routine, connect with your family and banish stress and anxiety. Why not try one of the above each day this week to see how easy and varied moving more at home can be?


All information provided on our website and within our articles is simply information, opinion, anecdotal thoughts and experiences to provide you with the tools to thrive.

It is not intended to treat or diagnose symptoms and is definitely not intended to be misconstrued for medical advice. We always advise you seek the advice of a trained professional when implementing any changes to your lifestyle and dietary habits.

We do however recommend seeking the services of a trained professional who questions the conventional wisdom to enable you to become the best version of yourself.

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