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We're FINALISTS in The Food Talk Awards 2018

We are ecstatic to announce that our award winning Avocado Oil Mayonnaise is a finalist in the 2018 The Food Talk Awards in the Clean Eating Award.

To be considered we needed to fulfil the following criteria: "A traditional factory-produced food or drink product that has been stripped of preservatives, additives or other ingredients and now offers a healthier, cleaner choice".

With over 200 entries we're so happy that we were chosen as a finalist!

The FoodTalk Show awards

"These aren’t just any old awards for any old products – we send out a klaxon call to all the dreamers, the disruptors, the crazy geniuses, the misfits of food tech who aren’t afraid to try something new and push the industry forward. It’s your time to get the recognition you deserve!"

Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony is on 15th June 2018 at The Oxo Tower and tickets to the ceremony can be purchased here.

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