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EVOLVE Coffee: Inspired By Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee – That Sounds Dangerous!

It’s not quite as scary as it sounds, we promise.


Dave Asprey (legend) has created the Bulletproof Coffee which is a mixture of Bulletproof Coffee Beans, Brain Octane Oil and Grass Fed Ghee.

It is truly delicious and is a must have to start the day if you follow a Keto or Real Food Lifestyle. It enables you to have a coffee with reduced sugars and is jam packed with great fats and taste.

We have done a lot of trial and error here at Hunter & Gather and we have our own take on this recipe, which we call the EVOLVE Coffee.

An EVOLVE Coffee uses high quality, speciality coffee beans usually from what is known as single origin as the base of the EVOLVE coffee (we love coffee from our local roaster Modern Standard). 

We then add Hunter & Gather 100% Coconut MCT Oil and Grass Fed Butter.


Here is what you need to make the tastiest coffee ever!

  • Coffee Beans of choice – 15g per person
  • Filtered Water – 240ml per person
  • Grass Fed Butter - 1 tablespoon per person
  • Hunter & Gather MCT Oil (100% Coconut) – 1 tablespoon per person (up it to 2 once you are accustomed to MCT Oil)



1) Brew your coffee – we use beans that we freshly grind on a daily basis and then either use an Aeropress (great for one cup) or the pour over method. For this, we use as a Hario V60 when making more than one cup.

2) Once your coffee has brewed add the butter and MCT oil and blend on high. You can use a hand stick blender or a Nutribullet. We usually use the V60 to brew our coffee and simply dump in the butter and oil and blend with the stick blender.

This creates such a rich and creamy EVOLVE coffee that is packed with taste and is a great way to start the day.


All information provided on our website and within our articles is simply information, opinion, anecdotal thoughts and experiences to provide you with the tools to thrive.

It is not intended to treat or diagnose symptoms and is definitely not intended to be misconstrued for medical advice. We always advise you seek the advice of a trained professional when implementing any changes to your lifestyle and dietary habits.

We do however recommend seeking the services of a trained professional who questions the conventional wisdom to enable you to become the best version of yourself.

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What you need:

  • Coffee Beans of choice – 15g per person
  • Filtered Water – 240ml per person
  • Grass Fed Butter - 1 tablespoon per person
  • Hunter & Gather MCT Oil (100% Coconut) – 1 tablespoon per person (up it to 2 once you are accustomed to MCT Oil)



1) Brew your coffee – we use beans that we freshly grind on a daily basis and then either use an Aeropress (great for one cup) or the pour over method. For this, we use as a Hario V60 when making more than one cup.

2) Once your coffee has brewed add the butter and MCT oil and blend on high. You can use a hand stick blender or a Nutribullet. We usually use the V60 to brew our coffee and simply dump in the butter and oil and blend with the stick blender.

This creates such a rich and creamy EVOLVE coffee that is packed with taste and is a great way to start the day.

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