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We believe better health starts with the food we eat. Shop our full range of nutrient dense products, from daily protein and hydration to everyday cooking essentials. Always free from refined sugars, grains, seed oils and perfect for those seeking healthier swaps, or following a Gluten Free, Keto, Paleo, Low-carb or real food lifestyle.
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Our Values are in the DNA of Hunter & Gather.
Our promise to you is to produce products that are free from sugar, grains, and inflammatory fats such as vegtable and seed oils.
You can trust us to provide you with products that are grain-free, do not contain any refined sugars or artificial sweeteners, and as low in total sugar as possible.
We only use great ingredients, so that our products are the best quality. We meticulous source, rigorously test and non-stop taste our range. We choose to give our ingredients every opportunity to shine, which is why we openly adopt a ‘less is more’ philosophy that keeps our recipes clean and free-from any fillers or unnecessary extras.
We believe in business as a force for good and that businesses have a commitment to the wider environment in which they operate.
Often hailed as a return to our ancestral roots, the Paleo lifestyle offers more than just a dietary regime; it's a holistic approach aimed at aligning modern habits with those of our pre-agricultural ancestors. At its core, the Paleo diet seeks to emulate the dietary patterns of Paleolithic humans, who lived roughly 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. The approach is based on the belief that our bodies are best adapted to the foods consumed during this era, which primarily consisted of meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. This comes from research in which hunter-gatherers and agricultural worker populations were compared to show that the former had a greater lifespan and fewer degenerative and inflammatory illnesses ranging from diabetes, anaemia and osteoporosis. These illnesses were believed to have arisen due to the agricultural revolution diet containing a lack of diversity of whole food items, and being heavy on grains with less absorbable nutrients, resulting in potential nutritional inadequacies. As a result, the Paleo diet encourages the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods while excluding grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar, and processed oils which we did not have available to us all those years ago.Key principles of the paleo lifestyle:
Suggested benefits of the paleo lifestyle:
While the Paleo diet and lifestyle hold promise for many, it's essential to recognise that individual needs vary. What works for one person may not be suitable for another. As with any dietary or lifestyle change, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is recommended to ensure it aligns with your unique health goals and needs. The other thing to note is that when individuals choose to follow a certain ‘diet’, adherence can dwindle after a while, such as in this randomised controlled trial on overweight but ‘healthy’ adults where only 35% of participants on the paleo diet managed to maintain it after 12 months. Some people do better to understand the principles of such approaches and aim to largely live by these within the parameters of their real life circumstances.Nevertheless, in a world inundated with processed foods and sedentary lifestyles, the Paleo diet and lifestyle serve as a reminder of our evolutionary heritage and a possible route for individuals looking to improve their health. If you're looking to shed a few pounds, boost your energy levels, or simply reconnect with your ancestral roots, exploring the Paleo path might just be an approach worth trying.
When searching for an approved mayo, be sure not to just check the macros but also the ingredients of the mayonnaise itself. Rapeseed oil (Canola), sunflower oil, and sugar should be avoided. Vegetable and Seed oils are inflammatory and we believe are best avoided in the pursuit of Optimal Health and Wellness. Our Hunter & Gather Olive Oil Mayonnaise use only 100% olive oil and no blends of oils. They are also low in carbohydrates and sugar-free but packed with great monounsaturated fats so are perfect for a Paleo, Keto, Low Carb or Real Food Lifestyle. We also have a range of 100% avocado oil mayonnaise too.
Our award-winning nutrient dense range was created with your optimal health & wellness in mind, so that you have the choices, tools & encouragement to thrive.
Whether it is your kitchen staples or your daily supplements, we want to provide you with options that are always free from sugars, grains, gluten, and inflammatory seed or vegetable oils. We also say "NO" to any artificial chemicals, preservatives, bulkers, sweeteners, or unnecessary ingredients! 😱
Whether you follow Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Gluten Free, Low Carb, Banting, Sugar Free, Dairy Free lifestyles or you just simply love great tasting food that is made with real food ingredients - Hunter & Gather is for you.
Check out our full range of Real Food Products here 👏
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