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Can organ supplements help with menopause?

Organ meats & supplements provide a rich source of menopause-supporting nutrients,  here is how they can help women navigate this stage of life.

This article was guest written by our in-house nutritionist, Jade Leighton [BA Hons DipION mBANT rCNHC]

Benefits of Organ Supplements for Menopause 💊 

In spite of it being a natural rite of passage for women at a certain point in our lives, the symptoms of menopause can be extremely disrupting for day-to-day life and well-being.

It’s a transition that typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and it takes the body through significant hormonal changes, particularly a decline in oestrogen levels. This can lead to various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and bone density loss.

There are many diet, lifestyle and supplement interventions that can help with the menopause. While there aren’t necessarily specific studies showing the impact of organ meat consumption or supplementation on acute menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, adding them to your daily regime could certainly be a valuable contribution to your health through this life stage for a number of reasons.

The consumption of organ meats - particularly liver - from whole foods and organ supplements can support by ensuring that you have a regular intake of key menopause-supporting nutrients.


Organ Supplements are a Rich Source of these Menopause-Supporting Nutrients 👇

Vitamin A 

This fat-soluble vitamin is a catalyst for many biochemical processes, playing a critical role in thyroid function and hormone production.

The only vitamin A that you can get from plants is in the form of beta-carotene, which most people have a hard time converting it into true preformed vitamin A. It’s the latter that your body needs to facilitate hormone synthesis, thyroid regulation, vision and many immune-related processes - and it’s this form that’s found in abundance in animal liver. 

👉 Is Liver good for you? 3 Benefits behind this superfood

One crucial function of vitamin A in menopause is its ability to rejuvenate the health of mucous membranes, including those found in the vagina, eyes, mouth, respiratory tract and gut.

Results of the use of vitamin A to support with vaginal atrophy have been promising although more research is required.

Additionally, vitamin A intake at healthy levels supports bone health and deficiency has been linked to the emergence of age spots on the skin, thickened skin on areas like the heels, arms, and elbows, recurrent infections, cystitis, and thyroid disorders.


Vitamin B12 

Bioavailable vitamin B12 from our food is only found in animal products, with grass-fed liver being the richest source.

The hormonal imbalances that occur during and after menopause can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency in women.

Symptoms associated with both low B12 and menopause include memory problems, inability to focus and “brain fog”.

Ensuring an adequate intake of this vitamin may also reduce the likelihood of developing dementia in the long term, regardless of menopausal status.

You can learn more about the benefits of B12 in our article below:

👉 How B12 supplements can support your health



Organ meats like liver (and therefore organ capsules) are a great natural source of copper which is a mineral that is directly associated with maintaining bone density.

During the menopause, the drop in oestrogen leaves women at risk of developing osteoporosis, so a copper deficiency alongside this will considerably increase risk of bone breakdown.

A study conducted in 2015 revealed that post-menopausal women with low bone density exhibited markedly low levels of copper and other minerals in their bloodstream, suggesting supplementation as a potential remedy.

However, safely supplementing with synthetic copper requires testing and accuracy, as you can certainly take too much and experience copper toxicity.

Using natural, food-based supplements like the organ capsules from Hunter & Gather is a great way to mitigate this risk. You can learn more about why 100% natural supplements are always best in our article below.

👉 What's hiding in your daily supplements?



Choline is a nutrient that often doesn’t get enough airtime considering how critical it is for certain processes in the body.

It is essential for brain, liver and muscle health and is largely found in animal products - with liver being a great source - which is why many people are not getting enough of it.

The need for choline considerably increases after the menopause as oestrogen is required for encouraging choline production from the conversion of phosphatidylcholine.

One study showed that 80% of postmenopausal women who were deprived of dietary choline developed fatty liver and muscle damage in comparison to 44% of premenopausal women.

Choline is important for supporting both mood and memory - both of which can be impacted during and after the menopause. Choline influences the production of serotonin and dopamine - neurotransmitters associated with mood regulation so increasing choline-rich foods like egg yolks, liver, fish, fish roe and using organ capsules can help balance moods.


As you can see, Hunter & Gather organ supplements contain a number of menopause-supporting nutrients, as well as those that will help maintain overall health as you age.

Hunter & Gather Organ Supplements


A Holistic Approach to Supporting Menopause 🤗

In addition to the use of supplements, it’s important to take a holistic approach to managing the menopause, which means factoring in diet, lifestyle and mindset approaches too.

Things to consider include:

  1. Healthy Diet: It’s important to consume a balanced diet rich in protein, vegetables, fibre and healthy fats, with very low intake of processed foods and alcohol. 


  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, swimming, strength training and yoga, to help support weight management, bone health, circulation and even improve mood.


  1. Stress Reduction: Practise stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or yoga to help manage mood swings, encourage better sleep and reduce stress-related symptoms.


  1. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): For women experiencing severe symptoms, hormone therapy under the guidance of a healthcare professional may be considered after weighing up the potential risks and benefits.


  1. Collagen Supplementation: Collagen can also be a good supplement to consider if you have reached menopause. Collagen is loaded with amino acids, which help to balance hormones, support the liver and regulate mood.


But perhaps the biggest reason why you might want to consider collagen supplementation is because as oestrogen declines, so does endogenous collagen production. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of its collagen during the first five years of menopause.

You can learn more about the benefits of collagen for menopause in our article below:

👉 Can collagen help with the menopause?


So there you have it - while they might not be the first thing you read about in association with this stage of a woman’s life, organ capsules are loaded with bioavailable nutrients that can offer many health and well-being benefits if you have reached menopause.


The Verdict 🧐

As always, they’re not a miracle cure, and it’s crucial to approach menopause from a holistic perspective through which you also address your diet, exercise regime and stress levels.

Working directly with a naturopathic practitioner like a Nutritional Therapist could also be a good option for you if you are interested in getting very tailored advice.

And, if necessary, you may choose to discuss hormone replacement therapy options with your doctor if you are really struggling with symptoms.

Incorporating organ supplements into your holistic approach to menopause is a great way to look after your overall health and wellness, as well as support healthy ageing.

Hunter & Gather Organ Supplements

All information provided on our website and within our articles is simply information, opinion, anecdotal thoughts and experiences to provide you with the tools to thrive.

It is not intended to treat or diagnose symptoms and is definitely not intended to be misconstrued for medical advice. We always advise you seek the advice of a trained professional when implementing any changes to your lifestyle and dietary habits.

We do however recommend seeking the services of a trained professional who questions the conventional wisdom to enable you to become the best version of yourself.

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